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发布时间:2018-02-06 编辑整理:范文参考网 来源:个人简历模板 手机版



财务会计英文i overview
name: xxx
sex: female
national: han
political features: members
academic qualifications (degree): undergraduate
profession: accounting
contact tel: 12345678
mobile: 13901111234
contact address: dongcheng district,beijing on the 10th street xx
post code: 100007
email address: 12345678@sohu.com

educational background

graduate institutions: beijing financial institute 1993.9 - 1997.7 accounting

business and special

* title assistant accountant,familiar with the national financial system and related policies and regulations
* level 6 in english,familiar with a variety of english business letter writing format
* proficiency in basic computer knowledge and proficiency in the use of powerbuilder,sql language,foxpro,powerpoint,office97,foxbase such as computer software applications and development,and has good knowledge and skills of computer comworks
* a quick mind,steady character,a strong sense of responsibility,a strong team spirit

work experience

group has xx --- 1999.3 cashier,accounting
* cost of materials is responsible for industrial enterprises,accounting for sales transactions accounts,accounts receivable,accounts payable accounting,the accounting of sales indicators,statistical
* assist in charge of accounting for other day-to-day work,cash management

1997.9 --- 1999.1 xx assistant accounting technology co.,ltd.
responsible for branch offices and headquarters by wire transfer of funds between the work / complete the journal of the log-in and processing / handling per month and between the bank of china on the billing / general ledger timely delivery in accordance with the preparation of tax statements

i character

cheerful,modest,self-discipline,self-confidence (based on the person''s circumstances).

another: the most important thing is the ability,i believe that your company will feel that i am a suitable candidate for this position!

look forward to working with your interviews!


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